Stenger Historica
Example of Translation Services for
SS Dossier Dr. Karl Lüdcke


SS-Dienstgrad (Rank):
Hauptsturmführer (Captain) 1.11.1938 (date of rank)
Sturmbannführer (Major) 9.11.1938

Eintritt in die SS (Entrance into SS): 1.5.1938
Eintritt in die Partei (Entrance into the Party): 1.5.1933
SS Number: 290,820
Party Number: 3,472,238
Date of Birth: 11.3.1897
Größe (Height): 181
Geburtsort (Place of Birth): Berlin

SS-Zentralamt (SS Main Office): 165,601
Winkelträger (honor chevron for old fighters; worn by members of the SS or NSDAP who joined before 30 Jan 1933)
Ehrendegen (Honor Sword)
Julleuchtar (Winter Solstice or Juletide)
S.A. Sportabzeichen (SA Sportsbadge): Bronze

Familienstand (Family status): Verheiratet (married) 28.7.1934
Ehefrau (Wife): Elisabeth Böttcher 3.2.07 Breslau
Religion: Evangelisch (Protestant)
Kinder (children): 31.2.38 (female) 22.3.44 (female)

Beruf (position):
Erlernt (learned) Kriminalist (criminal inspector)
Jetzt (now): Reg.Kriminal-Rat (criminal Council/advisor)

Arbeitgeber (employer): Stapo Kassel (State Police Kassel)

Volksschule (Public School): 4 KL. (4th Grade)
Höhere Schule (higher education): Arbitur (high-school)
Hochschule (superior school): Uni (university)

Front: 11.18.14 – 30.9.16 JR203 (Infantry Regiment) & Ersatz Batt (Replacement Battalion). 1.4.17 – 1.5.19 deutscher Mission i.d. Türkei (German Mission in Turkey)
Dienstgrad (Rank): Vizefw.(Sergeant Major)
Orden (decorations): E.K.I, II, E.K.Kv.K (Eiserne) (Iron Cross, I and II Class, Iron Cross, War Merit Cross, Verw.-Abzeichen (Wound Badge): Schwarz (black)
Facheinrichtung (specialization):

SS-Stammkarte-Abschrift (SS Service Entry Card-Copy)

Block 1:
Staffel-Mann, SS-Mann (SS Man): 1.5.1938
Staffel-Scharführer, SS Scharführer (SS Sergeant): 1.5.1938

Block 2:
Einheit, Name, und Vorname (unit, name, and first name): Sicherheithauptamt Berlin (Security Service Main Bureau) Dr. Karl Lüdcke.

Block 3:
a. Geburtstag (birthday): 11.3.1897
b. Geburtsort (birth place): Berlin
c. religöses Bekenntnis (religious denomination) ev.
d. Staatsangeh(oe)rigkeit (citizenship): Deutsch (German)

Block 4:
erlernter Beruf (profession): Kriminalist (Criminal Inspector)
jetzt (current): Kriminaldirector (criminal director)

Block 5:
a. verheiratet seit (married since): 28.7.34 mit (with) Elisabeth Böttcher; geboren (born) 3.2.1907.

Block 6:
Wohnort (place of residency): Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Offenbacher Strasse 24

Block 7:
Größe (height): 1,81 m
Schuh-Nummer (shoe size): 45
Kopfweite (width of head): 58

Block 8:
Einkommen bis: über 300.- RM (income over 300 Reichs Marks)

Block 12: SS-Nummer (SS Number): 290,820

Block 14: Sportabzeichen (sporting [physical proficiency] badges): SA Sportabzeichen 770174 (Stormtrooper sports badge # 770174)

Block 15: Parteiverhältnisse (Relation to the Party): Partei-Eintritt (entry into party): 1.5.33 Mitglieds-Nummer (member number): 3,472,238

Block 19:
a. Dienstzeit im alten Heere (service in the old Army) from 11.8.14 to 30.9.16 and from 1.4.17 to 1.5.19
b. bei der Feldtruppe (with Fieldtroops) 21.9.14 to 23.10.14 and 10.2.18 to 1.12.18.
c. in einem freiwilligen Verband (in a volunteer unit)
e. in der Polizei (in the Police) 2.1.21

Block 20:
a. Waffengattung (branch of service): Infanterie (infantry)
b. Letzter Dienstgrad (last rank): Vizefeldwebel (Sergeant Major)

Block 22: Orden und Ehrenzeichen (Decorations and Honorable Devices):
Eisernes Kreuz 1.u.2.Kl. (Iron Cross I and II Class)
Halbmond Frontkämpferkreuz (half-moon front-fighter's cross)
Verwundetenabzeichen (wound badge): schwarze (black)

Frame 1485-6
Dienstlaufbahn des (Service Record for) Lüdcke, Karl SS-Nr. 290,820
Laufende Nummer (continuous number) 1; Jahr (year) 1938; Tag (day) 1; Monat (month) Nov.
Dienstgrad (rank) SS-Hauptsturmführer (Captain);
Einheit (unit) S-D (security service);
Art der Dienststellung (type of assignment) Führer (officer)

Laufende Nummer (continuous number) 2; Jahr (year) 1938; Tag (day) 9; Monat (month) Nov.;
Dienstgrad (rank) SS-Sturmbannführer (Major);
Einheit (unit) S-D (security service);
Art der Dienststellung (type of assignment) Führer (officer)

Laufende Nummer (continuous number) 3; Jahr (year) 1943; Tag (day) 25; Monat (month) Jan.;
Dienstgrad (rank) SS-U'Stuf (Second Lieutenant);
Einheit (unit) entlassen als Fachführer (dismissed/released as a specialized officer) (security service);
Art der Dienststellung (type of assignment) entlassen als Fachführer (dismissed/released as a specialized officer) (officer)

Frame 1487
Kattowitz, the 29 December 1944
Dr. Lüdcke
SS Major

To the Chief of the Main Personnel Bureau
SS Lieutenant General and General of the Waffen SS von Herff

Wilmersdorferstr. 98/99

Dear Lieutenant General!

May I allow myself to inform you, Lieutenant General, in accordance with the attached copy of the decision by the Chief of the Security Police (SIPO) and the Security Service (SD), that I notified SS Lieutenant General Dr. Kaltenbrunner concerning my situation.

Now that I have begun my service in Kattowitz, I request that you allow me, under the circumstances, to notate that I have received a grateful assignment. Moreover, I am hopeful that my personal misfortune in Koblenz, which had fatale consequences, has been rehabilitated as my most important goal as an SS officer.

I hope to enjoy your continued support, which you have shown, Lieutenant General, by your willingness to respond. This gives me the strength to carry out my new duties.

As your obedient servant, I allow myself to wish you heartfelt wishes for a healthy new year.

Heil Hitler!
Your Lüdcke
SS Major

Frame 1488

Reich's Main Security Bureau
Department Chief I

Berlin SW 11, 18. Dec. 1944
Prinz-Albrecht-Street 8

SS Major Lüdcke -personal-

Departmental Chief V
of the Commander, Security Police

In Kattowitz
Dear Comrade Lüdcke!

The Chief Sipo-SD has your letter. He has decided that you will remain the Departmental Chief V of the Commander, Security Police. The task as Commander, Security Police and Security Service France, has no candidacy to a commander's position in the Reich, which carries more weight and is far more important, considering the responsibilities. Moreover, the position of Departmental Chief V requires qualifications of a criminal police chief. The Department V at the Commander, Security Police Kattowitz has additional importance because it encompasses two former areas of activity for criminal police posts, that of Kattowitz and Oppeln. Undoubtedly, you will have the opportunity to prove your resolve and ability as Departmental Chief V Kattowitz.

Heil Hitler!
signed Ehrlinger
SS Senior Colonel

Frame 1489
SS Major
State and Criminal Council Dr. Karl Lüdcke

7 December 1944


I. Education

On 11.3.1897, I was born in Berlin and baptized Protestant. After attending the 22nd Consolidated School and the King's State Upper High School, I reported as a pupil in the second (highest) form in August 1914 and volunteered for the 5th Guard Regiment at Foot in Berlin-Spandau, and deployed to the field with the newly organized Reserve Infantry Regiment 203 in Septmber 1914. I was severally wounded in October 1914 by shrapnel in the left arm during the assault on Dixmuidem.

After spending a prolonged period at various hospitals, I returned in November 1915 to the regimental Replacement Battalion and participated successfully in an officer's course. The physical stress associated with the training caused by wounds to reopen and I returned to the hospital. Lengthy processing caused my arm to stiffen and reduced all movement, to the point that an examination commission in 1916 declared me unfit for service. As an Non-commissioned Officer and Officer Candidate, I was released from the Army.

Under the circumstances I prepared for, and passed, my matriculation examination and studied State Science and History at the University of Berlin and Würzburg.

Frame 1489
On 1.5.1917 I was re-examined and declared "useful" and posted to the German Military Commission in Turkey. After the end of the war I was released from service as a Sergeant Major in February 1919, and returned to my studies.

I entered the Police Presidium in Berlin on 2.1.1921, as a Criminal Commissioner Candidate. After passing the examination on 22.12.1922, I was posted as an Assistant Criminal Commissioner.

On 30.5.1927, I graduated a doctor of philosophy for Staat/State Science (political science) at the University of Würzburg.

II. Assignments and Use with the Authorities:

a. Police Presidium in Berlin
December 1922 to February 1923
as an Assistant Criminal Commissioner in the Fraud Department
March 1923 to November 1923
Chief of the Commissioner's Office for Extortion Section
December 1923 to December 1929 Chief Inspections of the Commissioner's Office for the Combat of Lascivious Pictures, Journals, and Classified Advertisement.
January 1930 to March 1931 Chief of the Commissioner's Office for Burglary and Homicide
April 1931 to April 1934 Chief Inspections of the Commissioner's Office for the Combat of Lascivious Pictures, Journals, and Classified Advertisement.
May 1934 to December 1934 Chief Inspections for the Combat of Lascivious Pictures, Journals, and Classified Advertisement.

Frame 1489
B. Prussian State Criminal Police Department January 1935 to September 1936 Chief:
a. Reich Center to Combat International and Inter-local Trade of Young Girls.
b. Reich Center to Combat Lascivious and Dirty Literature.

C. Reich Criminal Police Department October 1936 to March 1939
a. Reich Center to Combat the Traveling and Professional Burglar.
b. Reich Center to Combat International and Inter-local Pick-Pocketing
c. Reich Center to Combat Lascivious Pictures, Journals, and Classified Advertisement.
d. Reich Center to Combat International and Inter-local Trade of Young Girls.

March 1939 to August 1939
Chief of the Criminal Police Liaison Staff to the Chief of the Security Police (Sipo) in Prag with the task of organizing a German criminal police in the protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

September 1939 to January 1940
Chief of the criminal police special commission to the Chief of the Security Police (Sipo) with the task of investigating gruesome murder cases against ethnic Germans in Bromberg and Posen.

D. Reich Security Service Main Bureau
Department IV
February 1940 Assigned gathering Information

E. State Police Detachment Hildesheim
Chief March 1940 to August 1941

Frame 1490
F. State Police Detachment Kassel
Chief September 1941 to July 1943

G. The Command of the Security Police (Sipo) and the Security Service (SD) in Charlons sur Marne
August 1943 to August 1944

III. Promotions:
To Assistant Criminal Inspector On 23.12.1922
To Criminal Commissioner a.Pr. On 21.3.1925
To Criminal Commissioner On 1.10.1925
To Criminal Council On 1.4.1934
To Criminal Director On 1.11.1937
To State and Criminal Council On 1.12.1939

IV. Decorations and Honorable Medals:
Iron Cross 1st and 2nd Class
Wound Badge in Black (first award)
Steel Halfmoon Olympic Honorary Clasp 1st Class.
Remembrance Occupation Medal
Prag Distinguished Police Service Step 1
Armed Sports Badge (Qualifications Day 26.5.1936)

V. Political Activity:
I did not belong to any political party until (Hitler) came to power. I was one of the founders of the National Socialist Officials for the Workers Union of the Berlin Criminal Police in April 1932. From August 1932 as a Bureau Chief (Fiscal, Press, and Propaganda) in the District (Gau) of Specialization for "Criminal Police" in the Department of Officials in the District of Berlin until its dissolution in February 1935.

Frame 1491
I obtained membership into the party on 1.5.1933, after my second application dated 3.2.1933; my first application dated 6.8.1932 was lost.

VI. SS Relationship:
On 1.11.1936 I applied to the Security Service (SD) of the Reichführer SS. Effective 1.5.1938 I became a member of the SS as a Squadron Sergeant. In accordance with SS Order Paper No. 4, dated 25.4.1936, I was authorized to wear the Chevron of the "Old Fighters."

VII. Promotions:
to SS Captain on 1.11.1938
to SS Major on 9.11.1938

VIII. Distinctions (Decorations):
a. 20.4.1939 SS Honor Sword
b. 21.12.1939 Winter Solstice or Juletide
c. 20.6.1943 Death's Head Ring

IX. Family Relationship:
On 28.7.1934 I married Elisabeth Lüdcke maiden name Böttcher. The marriage gave birth to 31.7.1935 a daughter Waltraut 22.3.1943 a daughter Ute. My family and I believe in God.

SS Major
State and Criminal Council

Frame 1492
Certified Copy

The Reich's Leader SS
Berlin 1 May 1938

To the
Phd. Dr. Karl Lüdcke
Party No. 3,472,238, SS No. 290,820

I accept you effective 1.5.1938 as Squad Man into the Protective Squad (SS) and promote you to the rank of a Squad Sergeant and simultaneous assignment to the Security Service (SD) of the Reich's Leader SS.

The Reich's Leader SS
i.A. signature,
SS Senior Colonel

The correctness of this copy is certified:
Berlin, 9 September 1938
Criminal Secretary

Frame 1493
German Writing!
Personal Information

Name and First Name: Lüdcke Karl
Birthday and Place: 11.3.1897 Berlin
SS Rank: Seargeant
SS Number: 290,820
Service Post and Unit: Main Security Bureau Berlin Party number and date of entrance into the party in accordance with party book: 3472238 1.5.1933 Were or are you a political leader: Lower (sub)-Battalion Leader in the District from 1.8.32 to 28.2.35
Berlin Recipient of the Chevron for Old Fighters: Yes!
Body height: 1,81 m
EK.I: Yes
EK.II: Yes
Honor Cross for Front Fighters: Yes
Wound Badge: Yes Black
Olympic Honorary Clasp: 2nd Class
Foreign Awards: Steel Halfmoon
Sports Badge SA: Bronze

Frame 1494
Education and Occupation:
Highest Level of Public or Technical School: Public School to 6th Grade
Highest Level of Middle or Higher Education:
Higher High School: Yes
Continuing Education: University
Semester: 10 PhD: Yes
Occupation: Criminalist
Current Occupation and position of employment: Criminal Director
Current Employer and place of employment: Reich's Criminal Police Department Berlin
Which foreign languages do you read and write: None
Motorized Vehicle Driver and License: 3 b form 29.9.1927

Marital Status:
Engaged on: 11.3.34
Married on: 28.7.34
Maiden name (first and last) of wife: Elisabeth Böttcher
Birthdate: 3.2.07
Birthplace: Breslau
Birthdate of daughter: 31.7.35

Frame 1495
Military Relationships:
Active Duty:
Unit: 5th Guards Regiment at Foot
a. 11.8.14 to 30.9.16 Infantry Regiment 203 and Replacement Battalion.
b. 1.4.17 to 1.5.19 Reserve Infantry Regiment 203 and German Military Commission Turkey
Front Fighter 21.9.14 to 23.10.14 Inf.Rgt.203
Highest Rank: Sergeant Major

Frame 1497
Personnel Report

of: Squad Sergeant, Dr. Lüdcke, Main Security Bureau Berlin Party
Membership No.: 3,472,238 SS No.: 290,820
Date Began Service: 1.5.1938
Date of Promotion to Last Rank: 1.5.1938
Date and Place of Birth: 11.3.1897 in Berlin
1. Learned: Criminalist
2. Current: Criminal Director
Residence: Berlin-Wilmersdorf Street: Offenbacher Str. 24
Married: Yes
Wife's Maiden Name: Elisabeth Böttcher
Children: 1 Confirmation: Protestant
Convictions: None
Ailments, Prosecutions, or Convictions in the Fight for the Movement (Nazi): None

I. General
Outer Judgement:
1. Overall Racial Picture: good
2. Personal Demeanor: military
3. Appearance and Behavior On and Off Duty: correct
4. Financial Situation: organized
5. Family Situation: organized

II. Characteristics:
1. General Characteristics: open, honest, loyal
2. Mental Freshness: very responsive
3. Outlook (degree of): very good degree of outlook
4. Will-Power and Personal Hardness (Severity): energetic, follows through
5. Knowledge and Education: good general education 6. Concept of Life and Death (condemned): serious, comfortable

Frame 1498
III. Training (old Army, RLB, Army, Police, Special Courses SS); interior posting in the SS: 11.8.14-1.5.19 5th Guard Regiment a Foot, 203rd Infantry Regiment, 203rd Reserve Infantry Regiment and German Military Mission in Turkey, 1921 Criminal Police Berlin

IV. Level and Ability of Education.
3.3. Authorized Sports Badge: SA Bronze
4. Perspective on the World
4.1. Personal Knowledge: present
4.2. Ability to Instruct (lecture): very good
4.3. Opinion concerning the national socialist Perspective on the World: positive
General Evaluation: efficient, dependable official, with outstanding characteristics, successful specialist, officer traits.

Remarks of Superior Position: Suitable for promotion.

Signed Nebe
SS Colonel
Acting Chief
Reichs Criminal Police Bureau

Frame 1499

SS Major
State and Criminal Council
Dr. Karl Lüdcke
Hildesheim 8.12.1944
Hohnsen 29


Obediently and without reproach, may I turn and write to you, as my Chief of the Main Bureau, regarding an official predicament and considering your limited and valued time. As the Security Police (Sipo) station commander during the withdrawal from France, I was responsible for moving the staation from Chalons sur Marne back to the Reich. Movement followed my report and notification to the higher command, after the B.d.S. Paris had been already set in march to Longwy. I departed Chalons sur Marne on 28.8.1944 as the last individual, along with the remainder of the command. Since the military situation in Longwy did not lend itself to security police operations, I departed on 31.8.1944 in two columns. No instructions were found at the state police duty stations in Luxemburg and Trier, which lay along my route of travel. Therefore, I proceeded ahead to Koblenz with my command. The local Security Police Chief advised that a message from the Reich's Main Security Office directed the dissolution of my command and its members sent to their hometown duty stations.

Since the directive was official, I carried out the directive and dissolved my command. Personally, I reported on 5.9.1944 to SS Colonel Schraepel in Berlin, since I did not find the Chief of Department I. Schraepel was flabbergasted over the directive to dissolve my command. Immediately, he notated the date and time of the questionable discussion, in which the State Police Chief in Kolblenz apparently gave the order to dissolve my command, according to the Inspector of Security Police and Security Service in Wiesbaden. I was not implicated in any way. I was even more bewildered when I was arrested two days later at night in Hildesheim by the State Police Chief Hanover, and brought to the Inspector stationed at Brauschweig. An investigator from the Reich's Main Security Office opened an investigation against me, which charged me with unauthorized dissolution of my command. Statements from witnesses I called, which confirmed that I acted on orders only, allowed for my release after eight days. The Department Chief I also informed me that the investigation was without findings and I should consider myself completely rehabilitated.

The tele-printer message dated 4.12.CDS.ROEM. 1 A 3 directed that I assume the position as Chief, Department V, Duty Station, Kattowitz. I reported to the acting Chief, Department V, SS Senior Colonel Panzinger, who advised me that I was ordered to return to the Criminal Police (Kripo), where my strengths were needed more and better suited than with the State Police. However, I did not agree completely with such a determination. I was also experienced in state police work, which my superiors rated as having been completed with no reservations. From the current assignment I would deduce that after I became available for assignment, following the dissolution of the State Police Station Hildesheim in 1941, my return to the Criminal Police was not a possible objective (done intentionally by myself?), but rather assignment to the State Police Station Kassel.

I had considerable success combating terrorist during my last assignment as commander of the Security Police Station (Sipo) Chalons. Relative recognition by SS Colonel Dr. Knochen and SS General Oberg gave me the confidence to consider my job done well.

More than before, I find it very harsh,

Frame 1500
as a former commander with no blemishes, to be assigned as a Department Chief under a commander. I would not consider such an assignment as rehabilitation, but rather the rumor that I failed as a commander in France, along with a official endorsement. Therefore, General, I would allow myself the obedient request, based on the reasons presented to you, that you utilize my services elsewhere.

Please allow me to report that I am currently sick in quarters with a fever and the flue, and I will return to duty in 10-14 days.

Heil Hitler!
signed Dr. Lüdcke
SS Major
State and Criminal Council

Frame 1501
15 Dec 1938
9 Nov 1938

SS Captain Lüdcke, Karl
(SS Nr. 290,820 Officer in the Main Security Service Bureau)

SS Major
9 November 1938
signed H. Himmler

Frame 1502
The Chief of Security Police
and the Security Service (SD)
IA 1d Nr. 5178/43

Berlin SW 11
dated 15 July 1943
Prinz-Albrecht St. 8
Telephone 12 03 40

Expeditious Letter

the Higher SS and Police Officer in Kassel and Dresden
the Chief of Security Police and the Security Service (SD) in Kassel and Dresden
the State Police Station in Kassel and Leipzig
the SS Main Personnel Bureau in Berlin

I hereby assign you as commander of the Security Police and the Security Service (SD) in Charlone sur Marne. Your delegation to the State Police Station Leipzig is rescinded. Please contact me and the Department Chief before you report to your assignment.

To SS Major Dr. Karl Lüdcke, State Police Station in Kassel.

Frame 1503
The Chief of Security Police
and the Security Service (SD)
IA 1d Nr. 5178/43

Berlin SW 11 dated 1 December 1944
Prinz-Albrecht St. 8
Telephone 12 03 40

Expeditious Letter

SS Major
State and Criminal Council Dr. Lüdcke

(20) Hildesheim

With detachment from your previous duty station, I order you, effective immediately, to the duty station of the Commander of Security Police Kattowitz and assign you with the responsibilities of the Department V.

Signed Ehrlinger

To the
Commander of Security Police
(9a) Kattowitz

copy to:

to the
Commander of Security Police
(8) Breslau

Chief of the State Police Station
(16) Kassel

to the Reichs Main Security Bureau - I A 1 (Central Index)
- I A 2
- I A 5
Maj Kutter
- Dept IV Gst.
In the house

Please acknowledge receipt of this copy.
Report to me the start of assignment.
Two directives are available to calculate the next man-power strengths.

signed Ehrlinger

Frame 1504
SS Major
State and Criminal Council
Dr. Karl Lüdcke

Hildesheim 8.12.1944
Hohnsen 29

Dear General!

In response to your recommendation I permit myself to submit a copy of my letter to the Chief of Security Police and the Security Service.

In the event there are currently no opportunities to assign me as a commander within the Reich, I would be indebted to you, General, if I were assigned the command of the Criminal Police Dresden. Since this command requires a replacement but remains vacant, I would be rehabilitated in all aspects if you entrusted me the before mentioned.

Please allow me to obediently thank you, General, for the understanding you brought to bear against my time of need.

Heil Hitler!
SS Major
State and Criminal Council

Attachment 1.

Frame 1505
Lüdcke, SS Major and Criminal Council,
Commander of the Security Police and the Security Service Charlon-sur-Marne.

47 years, married, 2 children
Participant of World War I, Sergeant Major, Iron Cross I and II, Wound Badge in Gold
necessarily kv.,
Police since 1921,
DLZ: very good.

Reichs Main Security Service Bureau directed proceedings against Lüdcke, because he allegedly relocated his duty station from Longwy to Montabaur near Koblenz without authorization from the BdS (Chief of the Security Service), dissolved the command, and sent the men home.

Exact determinations were made: In the process of a general withdrawal, Lüdcke received orders to relocated from Charlon-sur-Marne to Longwy. He remained there from 28. to 31.8. and attempted to establish contact with the Chief of the Security Service in Paris, in order to obtain new orders, considering the military situation and the fact that the Combat Command Lognwy felt it necessary to conduct a second withdrawal to the west.

During a meeting in which he received the order to withdraw to Longwy, he inquired with the representative of SS Colonel Knochen, as to the location he should continue to withdraw, in the event that Longwy could not hold out. At this point Lüdcke suggested Koblenz. The representative of SS Colonel Knochen, SS Lieutenant Colonel Henschke, did not diagree, however he did not provide a new order either.

For this reason, Lüdcke was empowered had to make a decision himself, since the military duty stations were withdrawing and he could not establish contact with a higher headquarters, in order to withdraw from the area around Koblenz. In Lusemburg, Lüdcke tried to establish contact in order to obtain further directives. However, there he was told as well that a general withdrawal to the west had been ordered. Establishing contact was not possible.

Frame 1506
In Koblenz, the State Police Chief, after contacted the IdS (unknown abbreviation; I(?) der Sicherheit: (?) of Security) Wiesbaden, advised of an order of the Reich's Main Security Bureau, that commands which were withdrawing from the west were to disband and place their men under orders to report to their hometown duty stations. Lüdcke authenticated the information by inquiring if there was not a mistake. The authority of the order was authenticated (the order was not for closed commands, but rather for individual men that were withdrawing. Lüdcke could not recognize the incorrect information provided to him).

Lüdcke thereupon led his command back to Montebaur and released forty members of the command to their respective hometown duty stations, and sent the remainder to Hildesheim, where the final disposition was to be concluded.

Lüdcke himself proceeded immediately to the Reich's Main Security Bureau, which in the meantime notified IdS Wiesbaden to rescind the order to disband the commands. At the Reich's Main Security Bureau, Lüdcke discovered the incorrect information he received. There are no reasons to assume that he acted out of fear or lack of ability.

Reich's Main Security Bureau and Main SS Court: Approve the recommendation to dismiss the proceedings against an excellent official whose reputation was seriously damaged.

Birkenwald, 20.2.1945.

SS Major
Dr. W/Ri.

Frame 1507
The Reichs Leader SS
Main SS Court

Prien, dated 18 Jan 1945

Subject: Punishment against SS Major, State and Criminal Council Dr. Karl Lüdcke.

Attachment: 1 Punishment File

To the
SS Judge at the Reichs Leader SS

In the attachment I am sending the punishment files against SS Major Lüdcke with the request for concurrence by the Reichs Leader SS to suspend the proceedings.

SS Major Lüdcke was accused, as the commander of the Security Police and Security Service in Charlons-sur-Marne, during the withdrawal from France, of relocating his command from Longwy to Koblenz, and its subsequent disbandment, without authority by his higher duty station.

SS Major Lüdcke abandoned (withdrew) from Charlon-sur-Marne to Longwy, after receiving various directives. When Lüdcke asked where he should relocate his duty station, in the event that Longwy was abandoned as well, he received no further guidance. Upon his suggestion to withdraw to Koblenz, he received no objections. In Koblenz he was notified of the directive from the Reich's Main Security Bureau, that withdrawing (units) from France were to be sent to their respective hometown duty stations. The directive, which was succeeded by a new directive due to its ambiguous nature, was not clear that it applied only to individual stragglers and not closed commands. SS Major Lüdcke thereupon released a portion of his command to their hometown duty stations. Based on these individual facts I recommend a comprehensive justification to suspending the proceedings (page 22 of the attachment).

Under the circumstances, the decree to suspend the proceedings are duly justified.

Department Chief I
By direction

SS Lieutenant Colonel and SS Judge

Frame 1508
The SS Judge at the Reichs Leader SS
Ige.Nr. VI-87/45g-Dr.w/Ri.
O.U., 12.3.1945

Subject: SS Major Dr. Karl Lüdcke
Regarding: Locale Letter dated 1.8.1945-
Attachment: 1 File

To the
Main Bureau SS Court

File returned.
Reichs Leader SS concurs with the intended suspension of the proceedings.

by direction
signed Dr. Wehser
SS Major

Frame 1509
The Commander
Of the Security Police and Security Service
In Charlons-sur-Marne

Charlons-sur-Marne, 14 April 1944

To the
SS Main Personnel Department
Berlin- Charlottenburg 4,

In accordance with the directive I - Az.B 13 d 10 dated 14.12.1943, I hereby report
a) the birth of my daughter, Uta, on 22 March 1944, by my wife
b) my hometown address: Hildesheim, Hohnsen 29.

Dr. Lüdcke
SS Major
SS Nr. 290,820.

Frame 1510

Kassel 4.5.44

SS Major
Dr. Karl Lüdcke, SS Nr. 290,820
Unit: SS State Police Kassel. Occupation: State and Criminal Council

To the subject named mentioned was born on 22.3.44 my daughter with the name Uta.

Stamped by Secret State Police Gestapo III
signed by direction
SS First Lieutenant

Frame 1510

Dr. Lüdcke
SS Major State and Criminal Council
Kassel 25 October 1941

To the
Reichs Leader SS-
SS Main Bureau
-Officer Personnel Department-
Berlin SW 11
Prinz Albrechtstr.9.

In accordance with the directive by the Chief of the Security Police, I am hereby transferred as Chief of the State Security Police Station Kassel and have assumed responsibility for the duties assigned.

Dr. Lüdcke
SS Major
SS Nr. 290,820.