French Documents

FD # 1 (unkG PC) Olaf Via: Raconte Par Marc Blancpain Vu Par Morel Fatio, 77 pgs, VG, $45.00. Includes many very interesting sketches of depicting Camp life.

FD # 2 (unkG PC) Une Paroisse: Derriere Les Barbeles (Premiers Mois de Captivite), 123 pgs, G, $70.00. Includes the most interesting collection of French Regimental Coats of Arms.

FD # 3 (unkG PC) "50eme anniversaire de la liberation des prisonniers de guerre Franzois." by Dr. Gudrien Eiessnez. Handwritten,16 pgs, VG,  $15.00


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